Get involved
Would you like to get involved in SBP with your own geographically- or taxon-specific campaign? You are most welcome to!
Please contact us at info[at]
Please note in advance, that we aim for the highest reliability for all data. In order to maintain this for such a taxonomically difficult taxon, several standards must be adhered to. At this stage only described and named species will be accepted for the database. However, feel free to contact us about the possibility of including other samples.
Among the information the sequences shall be accompanied with are:
1) A photograph of the specimen (preferred: in situ)
2) A photograph of a representative tissue section (showing choanosome and ectosome)
3) A photograph of spicule preparation, representing all spicule types (if any)
4) A short description of main taxonomic characteristics
5) Associated collection data (date of collection, depth, location, collector, colour in situ, location of taxonomic voucher, voucher number, method of preservation)
6) Taxonomic identification (with name of identifier), indication whether verified by another taxonomic expert (name of expert, date)
7) Reference where the species was published
8) If possible: raw data of the sequence, so we can calculate its quality value (PHRED)
A data submission form and examples will be provided shortly at this site, making data submission quicker and straightforward.
If you have questions, comments or suggestions we look forward to hearing from you at info[at]
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Database News
22-04-2021:Data for
Exsuperantia archipelagus Carvalho & Pisera, 2019 added, incl type material (SBD#1781-1787)
© Geo- & Paleobiology, LMU