Local Campaigns (geographically- or taxon-specific)

Geographically- or taxon-specific campaigns aim to facilitate the completion of the taxon list backbone and provide data for comparison with other genotypes. Researchers are encouraged to participate for their taxon or region of experience.

If you are interested in participating in such a geographically- or taxon- specific campaign (also in the ones below) please contact us by e-mail or navigate to our Get involved page.

Some current campaigns include:

Queensland Museum sponge collection: Joint project of the Queensland Museum Biodiversity Program (Brisbane Australia), the Bavarian State Collection for Zoology, the GeoBio-CenterLMU and the Molecular Geo- & Palaeobiology Lab of the LMU Munich with funding of the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation. QM collaborators: John N.A. Hooper, Merrick Ekins, Kathryn Hall.
Sponges of the Red Sea: Oliver Voigt, Gert Wörheide and Dirk Erpenbeck in collaboration with King Abdulaziz University Jeddah (KAU), King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST) and the Senckenberg Natural History Museum (SMF).
Calcarea: e.g., Voigt O, Erpenbeck D, González-Pech RA, et al (2017) Calcinea of the Red Sea: providing a DNA barcode inventory with description of four new species. 1–26. doi: 10.1007/s12526-017-0671-x
Demospongiae: e.g., Erpenbeck D, Voigt O, Al-Aidaroos AM, et al (2016) Molecular biodiversity of Red Sea demosponges. Mar Pollut Bull 105:507–514. doi: 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2015.12.004
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Database News

Data for Exsuperantia archipelagus Carvalho & Pisera, 2019 added, incl type material (SBD#1781-1787)
© Geo- & Paleobiology, LMU
© Geo- & Paleobiology, LMU